Leader in the Conception of Custom Environments
Trial is a leader in architectural millwork. Specializing in custom designs, engineering and manufacturing of high-end furniture and architectural interiors.
Our Story
experience and

loyal customers, the
company now has more than 100
employees operating its 100,000
In 1987, Trial started with two employees
and a 1500-square-foot facility. Gaining
-square-foot facility,

it to carry out all of your most
ambitious projects.

Our Core Values
Customer Oriented
Our outstanding reputation rests on customer satisfaction, our commitment to delivering top-quality service, and our genuine partnership with every client.
Technological progress and increased productivity both depend on innovation. So, to push creative boundaries with every project, we promote an open-minded and stimulating work environment. That's what sets us apart.
Our exceptional team and passion for our craft are our company's foundation. By working with us, we are proud to say you will have a mobilized, responsible and expert team at your service.
As an employer, customer and supplier, we maintain high standards of integrity and transparency to preserve long-lasting relationships of trust.
Social Responsibility
We are committed to creating the highest quality custom products while minimizing the impact of our operations on the environment and generating a positive social impact in our community.
Our commitment to sustainability is constantly evolving by way of our Environment Management System going beyond mandatory standards (copy available upon request).
Tous nos fournisseurs s'engagent à mener leurs activités dans le respect de l'environnement, sont certifiés FSC et sont accrédités par la National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA). Ils ont également un SME similaire et ne vendent que des produits forestiers provenant de producteurs respectueux de l'environnement ;
Pour en savoir plus sur cette association, consultez le site http://www.natlhardwood.org/.
Accréditation du bois massif
Tous nos fournisseurs ont été certifiés par la Composite Panel Association (CPA) en conformité avec la réglementation ATCM 93120 du California Air Resources Board (CARB) Phase 2 des normes d'émissions pour la production de panneaux de particules bruts et de fibres de densité moyenne (MDF).
CARB : www.arb.ca.gov/toxics/compwood/compwood.htm
Association des panneaux composites (CPA) : www.pbmdf.com, www.carbrule.org
Le Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) est une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif. Sa mission est de promouvoir la gestion responsable des forêts. Son concept principal est la chaîne de contrôle qui suit le produit de la forêt au consommateur.
Nos fournisseurs sont certifiés FSC pour la traçabilité et la chaîne de contrôle par la Rainforest Alliance. Les panneaux composites sont disponibles en tant que produits certifiés FSC sur demande.
Pour en savoir plus sur la certification FSC, veuillez consulter le site www.fsc.org.
Certification FSC
La certification ECC (Eco-Certified Composite) est une norme volontaire développée par la Composite Panel Association (CPA). L'ECC se compose de cinq critères. Étant donné que cette certification est attribuée à une installation de fabrication spécifique, chaque installation doit répondre aux exigences strictes en matière d'émissions de la phase 2 de CARB et se conformer à au moins trois des cinq critères établis par la CPA. La plupart de nos fournisseurs répondent actuellement aux cinq critères : empreinte carbone, ressources locales et renouvelables, recyclé/récupéré, durabilité et approvisionnement en bois.
Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour obtenir de plus amples informations sur la certification CPA (en anglais uniquement).
Le programme de certification LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design®) est un système américain et canadien développé à l'origine par le US Green Building Council (USGBC). La version canadienne, instituée par le Conseil du bâtiment durable du Canada (CBDCa), a été adaptée au climat, aux normes de construction et à la réglementation du pays, en suivant les principes du programme LEED® américain.
Les produits Trial peuvent vous aider à obtenir des points pour la certification LEED®.
Pour plus d'informations sur le programme de certification LEED®, visitez www.usgbc.org.
Projets LEED
Social Responsibility
We are committed to creating the highest quality custom products while minimizing the impact of our operations on the environment and generating a positive social impact in our community.
Our commitment to sustainability is constantly evolving by way of our Environment Management System going beyond mandatory standards (copy available upon request).
All our suppliers are committed to conducting business in an environmentally responsible manner, are FSC certified, and are accredited by the National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA). To learn more about the association, visit http://www.natlhardwood.org/. They also have similar EMS and only sell forest products from environmentally responsible producers;
Solid Wood Accreditation
All of our suppliers have been certified by the Composite Panel Association (CPA) in compliance with regulation ATCM 93120 of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Phase 2 emissions standards for the production of raw particleboard and medium density fiber (MDF).
CARB: www.arb.ca.gov/toxics/compwood/compwood.htm
Composite Panel Association (CPA): www.pbmdf.com, www.carbrule.org
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization. Its mission is to promote the responsible management of forests. Its main concept is the chain of custody that follows the product from forest to consumer.
Our suppliers are FSC certified for traceability and chain of custody by the Rainforest Alliance. Composite panels are available as FSC-certified products (upon request).
To find out more about FSC certification, please visit www.fsc.org.
FSC® Certification
The ECC certification (Eco-Certified Composite) is a voluntary standard developed by the Composite Panel Association (CPA). ECC is composed of five criteria. Since this certification is awarded to a specific manufacturing facility, each facility must meet the stringent requirements for emissions of CARB Phase 2 and comply with at least three out of five criteria established by the CPA. Most of our suppliers currently meet all five criteria: carbon footprint, local and renewable resources, recycled/recovered, sustainability, and wood sourcing.
Click the link below to get more information on the ECC certification (English only).
The LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design®) certification program is a U.S. and Canadian system originally developed by the US Green Building Council (USGBC). The Canadian version, instituted by the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC), was adapted for the country’s climate, building standards, and regulations, following the principles of the U.S. LEED® program.
Trial's products can help you achieve points for LEED® certification.
For more information on the LEED® certification program, visit www.usgbc.org.
LEED Projects
Community Engagements
Support to Various Organizations
Trial specifically aims to develop partnerships to further its goal of being a socially responsible organization. The company contributes to local organizations and non-profits through annual fundraising activities and donations. To positively impact those in the surrounding communities, Trial is also involved with social and community organizations that:
Work to improve people's lives in the Suroît region, mainly in the Beauharnois-Salaberry area.
Help improve the quality of life of those in need.
Physical Activity Sponsorships
Trial focuses part of its social involvement on supporting organizations with fundraising campaigns targeting the Suroît region’s youth in amateur sports. In doing so, we hope to help individuals, associations, and sports organizations that:
Promote initiatives, projects and events focused on multidisciplinary sports.
Support organizations and events that allow athletes to participate in competitions to qualify at the national and international level

Purchasing Policy
Why have a purchasing policy?
Through its focus on responsible development, this policy helps us ensure that any purchases reflect our environmental values. It also provides customers with a guarantee that the products they are ordering are in keeping with their own values.
Trial strives to lead the way to positive social change by purchasing materials and supplies from responsible sources. The procurement policy aims to ensure that all procurement activities are consistent with the values promoted within the company by ensuring that vendors who sell materials and supplies to Trial respect basic human rights and the environment.
One of the policy’s objectives is encouraging our suppliers to ensure that wood and woody materials purchased by Trial do not come from areas where wood is harvested: Illegally, in violation of traditional and civil rights, in forests where high conservation values are threatened by operating activities, in forests being converted to plantations or for non-forestry uses or in forests where genetically modified trees have been planted.
This policy applies to all Trial providers. The latter are strongly encouraged to comply with said policy.
The Purchasing Department is responsible for ensuring that suppliers are aware of their responsibilities and obligations while the role of the Purchasing Department is to receive complaints, monitor and manage violations and ensure that suppliers are taking all necessary steps to remedy the situation.

Creating With Passion
A success story relying on creativity, innovation, responsibility and above all, a passion for the craft.
Transformer vos idées en réalité
Ébénisterie architecturale